Who's Dead, Doc? Page 24
“That isn’t very smart, Juliette.”
“That’s why I’m telling you, so you can be ready should something happen. I certainly don’t want to be the next victim.”
It was at this moment Bun decided to offer his two cents worth of advice.
“If the sheriff isn’t bright enough to figure out you’re in danger, then we will deal with whatever comes along on our own. I will protect you, my superpowers are working just fine.”
Huh. Superpowers. I needed superpowers, but there weren’t any handy. “Are you up for this or not, Jack?”
“Of course. I’ll be there with officers in tow. Any clue as to why she’s invited you over?”
“Maybe it’s to finish what she didn’t tell me when I visited her in the hospital. I don’t think Carina realized Adelle killed Evelyn, not at first, anyway. With the stress she’s exhibited, she might have figured it out and possibly faced Adelle with it. The only reason I’ll go there tonight is to ask her that very question.”
“Don’t take unnecessary risks. We’ll be outside waiting.”
“I’ll put my phone on speaker, like I did when Colin came here. I’ll call you before I enter the house, okay?”
He agreed. “I can feel another gray hair popping out of my scalp.”
“Let’s hope this works out, because if it doesn’t, Adelle will get away with murder and we won’t be able to prove she killed three people.”
“Why all three?”
“It’s obvious that Adelle cares for Carina more than Carina realizes, and she’s trying to protect Carina from those who would hurt her in any way.”
“A bit simplistic, isn’t it?” Jack prepared to leave.
“More like obsessive. See you later this evening, Jack. Make sure you’re there.”
Bun rode in the passenger’s seat of my car as I drove to Carina’s home. We arrived on time and I noted the house was ablaze with light from top to bottom.
I rang the doorbell while Bun hopped to the rear of the house. As with most people, Carina used her kitchen as a gathering place. It would be a great vantage point for Bun to hear what was being said. He had also promised to let me know when the sheriff and his men arrived. Superpowers or not, my furry friend had my best interests at heart.
Carina invited me in after she opened the door and pointed to the kitchen. “We can go in there, if you don’t mind. I enjoy my kitchen and like the atmosphere of it. Besides, the coffeepot is handy, as is the fridge,” she said jokingly.
I took a seat at the counter and looked around. As many times as I’d been here, I hadn’t taken the time to study the décor. She was right, it had a homey feel. The rest of the house was more elegantly decorated.
“I do like this kitchen. You’re right, it is welcoming.” Okay, we’d finished that discussion, now for the hard part.
“The cops a re here.”
I glanced out the sliding doors and across the brightly lit grounds. At the edge of the light, I saw one of Bun’s long rabbit ears flip forward. I turned away, comforted to know he was there.
“How are you feeling?” I asked.
“I’ve been following the treatment plan Dr. Sommers set out for me, and so far it’s working. I do get tired, but nothing like before. I have to treat myself better, I guess.”
“True, because if you don’t, who will?”
She looked me in the eyes and stared. “You know, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“How long?”
“Not very long.”
“Why don’t you explain the whole situation to me?”
A movement to my right caught my eye. Adelle had entered the room.
“She isn’t going to do that because it’s none of your concern.”
I turned to Carina and asked, “Is that how you feel? If it is, why am I here?”
Once again, Adelle interrupted any confession Carina might make.
“It was my idea. You see, I knew you heard Jim and me the other day. I even knew the moment you realized what I’d done to Evelyn. You are a nosy one, aren’t you?”
“So I’m told.” I kept an eye on Adelle, while I spoke to Carina. “How long have you known Adelle murdered Evelyn?”
“Not long. After we found Evelyn’s body, I suspected Adelle, but had no proof. I hoped she hadn’t killed Evelyn. That’s why I asked you to intervene. I wanted to know for sure. I was afraid Sheriff Carver was going to arrest me for something I hadn’t done. My first consideration in life is Adrian and her well-being. I couldn’t go to jail, I just couldn’t leave her alone in this world.”
The fear in Carina’s eyes told me more than any words ever could. She not only suspected Adelle, but soon realized she was right. It wasn’t from anything I had done, which meant Adelle must have somehow confirmed Carina’s supposition. Carina was caught in an evil situation.
Her friend was a killer, an obsessive woman who killed again and again without regard for her victims or the people she got to do her bidding. Seamus and Colin would likely pay for their part in these events by spending their future in prison, as would Adelle if I had any say in it.
“You ordered Seamus to take care of Paul, didn’t you, Adelle?”
“What if I did? There’s no proof to be had, so nothing can be done about it,” she said with finality.
“And you had your husband killed, too, didn’t you?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because even then, he somehow realized that you were obsessed with Carina and that she was being blackmailed by Evelyn. He faced you with his assumptions and because you had plans that didn’t include him, you had him killed, am I right?”
Her eyes narrowed and her lip curled when she said, “What they say about you is true, you are a smart one. Seamus took care of the boating accident for me. He’s darned good at what he does, too. Colin, well, Seamus leads him around by the nose. Imagine, that idiot actually thought I was going to help them get away so they could blackmail me? Stupid fools.”
I had held my breath, and let it out slowly when I faced her. “Did you think for one second that Carina would continue whatever relationship you two have had now that she’s aware you’re a three-time killer, and that one of those killed was her very own husband?”
“She’ll be fine, we’re meant to be together. Always, aren’t we, Carina? I had planned to blackmail Jim Brody for his part in trying to inveigle his way into Adrian’s life when all Carina wanted was to be rid of him.”
Carina looked at me, then at Adelle. Considering what would happen if she didn’t agree, she assured Adelle that all would be the same between them.
A look of pleasure crossed Adelle’s face, before she said, “Now it’s your turn, Jules. Did you tell the sheriff your thoughts about me?”
“I did.”
“What was his reaction?”
“He doesn’t believe me. He always thinks I’m off base when it comes to crime solving, but I’ve hit the proverbial lottery this time around. I finally figured out the three deaths that are standing at your doorstep. Sooner or later, Jack Carver will come knocking and you’ll pay the price for your actions.”
That’s when she punched me in the face and knocked me off the stool. Carina screamed. Woozy, I got off the floor and flew at Adelle using the moves I’d learned in self-defense class. We rolled on the floor struggling to get control of each other, when I was suddenly hauled off Adelle while she was dragged to her feet. Adam held me by my arms, while Tom and Jack handcuffed Adelle as she tried to free herself.
Her expression changed from the woman I had initially known to the unhinged woman she had become. I leaned back against Adam and relaxed as I caught my breath. Adrenaline still raced through my veins leaving me shaking and angry. I knew better than to assault Adelle again. Jack might grow another gray hair over it, at the very least.
Adelle yelled and screamed obscenities as she was taken away. Carina slumped against the
sink and sobbed, while Jack came up to me and said, “Well done.”
I gave him a halfhearted smile and remarked, “Ya think? Now, where’s Bun?”
He nodded toward the open doors. Bun leapt into my arms. “Good work.”
* * *
A week later, all the paperwork for my part in Adelle’s arrest was completed at Jack’s office. I gave a full written statement detailing what had taken place and how I had come to the conclusion she was a three-time murderer. Carina had gone in to see Jack and he said that she had done the same thing. Staring at the man, I relaxed in the chair.
“You are a bold woman, Jules, I’ll give you that. I’m certain Adelle would have killed you with her bare hands if we hadn’t been there.”
“She would have tried her best. Though, I was determined to give her mine in return. Adelle seemed confident she’d get away with her crimes and that she and Carina would be together. It boggles my mind.”
“Adelle will be a guest of the New Hampshire prison system for years, but I never did make the emotional connection between the two women. Did you?”
“I’ve spoken to Carina about that. She never considered Adelle more than a good friend and isn’t sure how Adelle misconstrued her friendship for something more. Adelle’s an unbalanced woman, which might be how she reached that conclusion. It’s plain to anyone who talks to Carina about Paul that she was, and still is, deeply in love with him.”
“I’ve been to the prison to speak with Seamus and Colin. They willingly gave Adelle up in order to assist the district attorney when he promised to shorten their sentences. Don’t worry, Juliette, they’ll still be in prison for a long time. By the way, I’ve also taken it upon myself to ensure Jim Brody receives the money Evelyn embezzled from the grant program.”
“That was good of you, Jack.”
Bun, sitting at my feet, had been quiet during our time with Jack. He tapped his foot on the floor next to my chair, and said, “He could never have solved this without us. I hope he has come to realize what a brilliant pair of investigators we are. I sure hope we get another case soon.”
“I should get back to the farm, Jack.” I reached down, plucked Bun off the floor, and settled him in the sling before leaving. About to head out the door, I said, “Bun and I are creative in the way we get to the bottom of things, Jack. You should be more appreciative of that.” I smiled and walked out as Jack shook his head in dismay.